Celebrating International Orangutan Day
Celebrating International Orangutan Day | The Green Way Solar

As a company deeply committed to helping our planet, it breaks our hearts to witness the destruction of the habitats of many animals around the world. Orangutans stand as poignant examples of the devastating consequences of deforestation, particularly driven by the demand for palm oil.

In Indonesia, the rate of deforestation, mostly illegal, remains alarmingly high, resulting in the loss of about 3 million hectares annually – equivalent to 10 football pitches every minute!

The primary driver for this loss recently is through palm oil plantations. The process involves clearing the land of trees, and then the wood debris is burnt, illegally, to get rid of it quickly. The burning of forests makes Indonesia the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, with 75% of its emissions a result of deforestation. Indonesia and Malaysia are the largest palm oil producers in the world with demand for it increasing as a bio-fuel as well as its use as an ingredient in 1 out of every 10 supermarket products such as crisps, chocolate and detergents.

Orangutans are an endangered species and due to rapid deforestation, it is expected that we will see them disappear from the Earth in the next 5 decades! Spending 90% of their time in the treetops looking for food, deforestation has a profound and detrimental impact on their survival. Despite sharing 97% of our DNA with orangutans, we are their greatest threat.

The best way to celebrate this day is by researching Orangutans, informing friends and family about them, signing petitions, making conscious choices to avoid palm oil products, and actively participating in volunteering for organisations that are working in preserving the species.

Celebrating International Orangutan Day | The Green Way Solar